Liquid Fence For Small Mammals Animal Rep
*Product Type: Animal Repellent
*Product Form: Granules
*Animal Type: All Animals
*Container Size: 2 lb.
*Safe for Edibles: Yes
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Treatment Coverage Area: 1000 sq. ft.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Application Frequency: Weekly
*Packaging Type: Bottled
*Telescoping: 2500
*Effectiveness Duration: 4 week
*Safe for Pets: Yes
*Active Ingredient: Cornmint Oil
*Harmless to plants and animals
*Starts working immediately
*Lasts up to 4 weeks
*Repels rabbits, squirrels and mice
Liquid Fence For Small Mammals Animal Rep
*Product Type: Animal Repellent
*Product Form: Spray
*Animal Type: All Animals
*Container Size: 32 oz.
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Treatment Coverage Area: 500 sq. ft.
*Effectiveness Duration: 4 week
*Packaging Type: Trigger Bottle
*Active Ingredient: Cornmint Oil
*Application Frequency: Weekly
*Safe for Edibles: Yes
*Safe for Pets: Yes
*Telescoping: 500
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Harmless to plants and animals
*Starts to work immediately
*Repels rabbits, squirrels, mice and raccoons
CRITTER RIDDER 2LB 6/CS *Sub Brand: Critter Ridder *Product Type: Animal Repellent *Product Form: Granules *Animal Type: Most Animal Types, Most Animal Types *Container Size: 2 lb. *Active Ingredient: Oil of Black Pepper/Pepperine/Capsaicin, Oil of Black Pepper/Pepperine/Capsaicin *Ready to Use: Yes *Safe for Edibles: Yes *Packaging Type: Bottled *Indoor orOutdoor: Indoor and Outdoor *Treatment Coverage Area: 120 sq. ft. *Application Frequency: Monthly *Safe for Pets: Yes
Bonide Repels-All Animal Repel. RTU Qt
*Sub Brand: Repels-All
*Product Type: Animal Repellent
*Product Form: Spray
*Animal Type: Most Animal Types
*Container Size: 32 oz.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Effectiveness Duration: 2 month
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Safe for Pets: Yes
*Active Ingredient: Putrescent whole egg solids, garlic oil and cloves
*Safe for Edibles: No
*Packaging Type: Trigger Bottle
Spray Away
*Sub Brand: Spray Away
*Product Type: Sprinkler Animal Repeller
*Pest Type: Outdoor Pests
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Animal Type: Outdoor Pests
*Product Form: Motion-Activated Device
*Packaging Type: Boxed
Bonide MoleMax Mole&Vole Repel. 10lb.
*Sub Brand: MoleMax
*Product Type: Animal Repellent
*Product Form: Granules
*Animal Type: Rats
*Container Size: 10 lb.
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Safe for Pets: Yes
*Active Ingredient: Putrescent whole egg solids, garlic oil, white pepper and cloves
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Treatment Coverage Area: 5000 sq. ft.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Safe for Edibles: Yes
*Effectiveness Duration: 3 month
Bonide Bat Magic 4pk.
*Sub Brand: Bat Magic
*Product Type: Animal Repellent
*Product Form: Granules
*Animal Type: Bats
*Container Size: 2 oz.
*Safe for Edibles: No
*Treatment Coverage Area: 0.03
*Safe for Pets: Yes
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Effectiveness Duration: 1 month
*Active Ingredient: Peppermint and Spearmint oils
*Packaging Type: Boxed
Brand Name: Bird-B-Gone *Product Type: Bird Repellent *Product State: Spike *Coverage Area: 6 ft. *Number in Package: 1*Product Name: Visual *Packaging Type: Boxed *Height: 5 in. *Discovery Regional
Brand Name: Bird-B-Gone
*Product Type: Bird Repelling Spikes
*Bird Type: Assorted Species
*Coverage Area: 6 linear ft.
*Packaging Type: Boxed
*Height: 7 in.
Brand Name: Bird-B-Gone
*Product Type: Bird Deterrent Decoy
*Bird Type: Red Tailed Hawks
*Packaging Type: Boxed
*Height: 17 in.
Brand Name: Havahart
*Sub Brand: Critter Ridder
*Product Type: Animal Repellent
*Product Form: Spray
*Animal Type: Most Animal Types
*Container Size: 32 oz.
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Packaging Type: Trigger Bottle
*Safe for Edibles: No
*Effectiveness Duration: 30 day
*Treatment Coverage Area: 320 sq. ft.
*Safe for Pets: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
SAFER DEER REPEL 32OZ RTU *Sub Brand: Critter Ridder *Product Type: Animal Repellent *Product Form: Liquid *Animal Type: Deer, Rabbit and Squirrel *Container Size: 32 oz. *Packaging Type: Trigger Bottle *Safe for Pets: Yes *Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor *Safe for Edibles: Yes *Ready to Use: Yes *Application Frequency: Seasonally *Effectiveness Duration: 90 day*Active Ingredient: Putrescent Egg/Capsaicin and Releted Capsaicinoida/Garlic, Putrescent Egg/Capsaicin and Releted Capsaicinoida/Garlic *Treatment Coverage Area: 500 sq. ft. *Discovery ACC
Havahart Deer Off For Deer & Rabbit Anim
*Sub Brand: Deer Off
*Product Type: Animal Repellent
*Product Form: Liquid
*Animal Type: Deer and Rabbits
*Container Size: 48 oz.
*Safe for Edibles: No
*Treatment Coverage Area: 750 sq. ft.
*Packaging Type: Bottled
*Safe for Pets: No
*Active Ingredient: Putrescent Egg/Capsaicin/Garlic and Related Capsaicinoids
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Effectiveness Duration: 90 day
Liquid Fence For Deer & Rabbit Animal Rep
*Product Type: Animal Repellent
*Product Form: Concentrate
*Animal Type: Deer and Rabbits
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Safe for Pets: Yes
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Effectiveness Duration: 1
*Packaging Type: Bottled
*Active Ingredient: Putrescent Whole Egg Solids, Putrescent whole egg solids and garlic
*Treatment Coverage Area: 20000
*Safe for Edibles: Yes
Brand Name: Liquid Fence
*Product Type: Animal Repellent
*Product Form: Liquid
*Animal Type: Deer, Deer and Rabbits
*Container Size: 32 oz.
*Packaging Type: Bottled
*Treatment Coverage Area: 5000 sq. ft.
*Active Ingredient: Putrescent whole egg solids and garlic
*Telescoping: 8000
*Effectiveness Duration: 1
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Safe for Pets: Yes
*Safe for Edibles: Yes
Brand Name: Liquid Fence
*Product Type: Animal Repellent
*Product Form: Spray
*Animal Type: Deer and Rabbits
*Container Size: 32 oz.
*Active Ingredient: Garlic, Putrescent whole egg solids
*Effectiveness Duration: 1 week
*Safe for Edibles: Yes
*Packaging Type: Bottled
*Application Frequency: Weekly
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Safe for Pets: Yes
*Treatment Coverage Area: 500 sq. ft.
*Ready to Use: Yes
Brand Name: Liquid Fence
*Product Type: Animal Repellent
*Product Form: Liquid
*Animal Type: Deer, Rabbits
*Container Size: 128 oz.
*Packaging Type: Bottled
*Effectiveness Duration: 1 week
*Safe for Pets: Yes
*Active Ingredient: Putrescent whole egg solids and garlic
*Safe for Edibles: Yes
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Treatment Coverage Area: 2000 sq. ft.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
Brand Name: Shake-Away
*Product Type: Urine Animal Repellent
*Product Form: Granules
*Animal Type: Coyote/Fox
*Container Size: 28.5 oz.
*Application Frequency: Weekly
*Treatment Coverage Area: 10000 sq. ft.
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Safe for Edibles: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Effectiveness Duration: 1 week
*Safe for Pets: Yes
*Packaging Type: Shaker Jug
Vanish Animal Chaser
*Sub Brand: Animal Chaser
*Power Source: Battery-Powered
*Product Type: Electronic Pest Repeller
*Pest Type: Dog/Cat
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Motion-Activated: No
Bird-B-Gone Flash Tape Roll
*Product Type: Mylar Flash Tape
*Bird Type: Assorted Species
*Coverage Area: 150 linear ft.
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Height: 2 in.
Bonide Go Away Rabbit, Dog & Cat 1lb.
*Sub Brand: Go Away
*Product Type: Animal Repellent
*Product Form: Granules
*Animal Type: Cats and Dogs
*Container Size: 1 lb.
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Treatment Coverage Area: 900 sq. ft.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Packaging Type: Shaker Jug
*Active Ingredient: Cinnamon oil, thyme oil
*Effectiveness Duration: 2 week
*Safe for Pets: Yes
*Safe for Edibles: No
Liquid Fence Goose Repellent
*Product Type: Animal Repellent
*Product Form: Liquid
*Animal Type: Most Animal Types
*Container Size: 32 oz.
*Effectiveness Duration: 12
*Packaging Type: Bottled
*Safe for Edibles: Yes
*Treatment Coverage Area: 4000 sq. ft.
*Safe for Pets: Yes
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Telescoping: 4000
*Active Ingredient: Methyl anthranilate
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Bilingual English/Spanish labels
*Active Ingredient: 20.72% Methyl anthranilate (Benzoic acid, 2-amino, methylester)
*Works year-round
Liquid Fence Goose Repellent
*Product Type: Animal Repellent
*Product Form: Spray
*Animal Type: Most Animal Types
*Container Size: 32 oz.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Active Ingredient: Methyl anthranilate
*Treatment Coverage Area: 4000 sq. ft.
*Telescoping: 4000
*Safe for Pets: Yes
*Effectiveness Duration: 12
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Packaging Type: Hose-End Spray Bottle
*Safe for Edibles: Yes
*Bilingual English/Spanish labels
*Active Ingredient: 20.72% Methyl anthranilate (Benzoic acid, 2-amino, methylester)
*Works year-round
Victor Mole & Gopher Repellent 10 lb
*Sub Brand: Dual Action
*Product Type: Animal Repellent
*Product Form: Granules
*Animal Type: Gophers and Moles
*Container Size: 10 lb.
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Safe for Pets: Yes
*Safe for Edibles: Yes
*Treatment Coverage Area: 10000 sq. ft.
*Ready to Use: Yes
Victor Mole & Gopher Repellent Spray
*Product Type: Animal Repellent
*Product Form: Liquid
*Animal Type: Gophers and Moles
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Safe for Edibles: No
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Active Ingredient: Caster Oil
*Treatment Coverage Area: 10000 sq. ft.
*Packaging Type: Hose-End Spray Bottle
*Safe for Pets: Yes
Sweeney?s Mole & Gopher Granular Repellent
*Product Type: Animal Repellent
*Product Form: Granules
*Animal Type: Gophers and Moles
*Container Size: 10 lb.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Safe for Pets: Yes
*Treatment Coverage Area: 5000 sq. ft.
*Safe for Edibles: No
Brand Name: Sweeney's
*Product Type: Animal Repellent
*Product Form: Spray
*Animal Type: Gophers/Moles
*Container Size: 32 oz.
*Packaging Type: Bottled
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Safe for Pets: Yes
*Active Ingredient: Castor Oil
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Safe for Edibles: No
*Treatment Coverage Area: 10000 sq. ft.
Bonide MoleMax Mole&Vole Repel. 9X5lb.
*Sub Brand: MoleMax
*Product Type: Animal Repellent
*Product Form: Granules
*Animal Type: Moles and Voles
*Container Size: 5 lb.
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Active Ingredient: Castor oil
*Treatment Coverage Area: 2500
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Effectiveness Duration: 3 month
*Safe for Edibles: Yes
*Packaging Type: Shaker Jug
*Safe for Pets: Yes